Staff changes, and whistleblowing reports

As announced earlier in the post about the upcoming changes to the WolvHaven political system, Staff will be reorganized into functional departments/ministries that oversee various areas within the server.

What are the new departments?

The new departments are as follows:

Ministry for Internal Affairs

Gardellian Affairs & Regulations Department

Ministry for Infrastructure & National Department

Ministry for Culture & Foreign Affairs

Development Commission of WolvHaven

Launching the new

To facilitate this change, the microsite has been updated to become a new one-stop area for players to find all services.

You may also find out what each ministry/department mentioned earlier does, and the administrative tasks they are responsible for on the microsite. Contact information and management of the departments may also be found on this new page.

Introducing the new whistleblowing form

Following feedback that some players may feel reserved in reporting incidents of rule infractions or complaints out of fear of putting themselves at risk, the whistleblowing form is being launched to combat this problem.

Players may report incidents to members of staff for issues such as staff misconduct or if they feel that going directly towards staff and revealing their identity puts themselves at risk.

You may now report an incident at

The form can also be found from and the website homepage.
