WolvHaven City
More to Explore — the heart of our server.
Established since 2011, the WolvHaven City project is the capital of the server, and acts as a showcase city.
More to Explore — the heart of our server.
Established since 2011, the WolvHaven City project is the capital of the server, and acts as a showcase city.
WolvHaven City is the capital of the server. When WolvHaven was established in 2011, its main goal was to create an immersive city in Minecraft for a survival-roleplay experience.
As the server evolved into one that focuses on creative building, WolvHaven City has evolved into acting as the showcase city, and community-build of the server.
The city is in its 5th edition, dubbed "New Wolfminster", and is over 10x larger than its predecessor, New WolvHaven (4H).
WolvHaven City is built by the community, and is the embodiment of its community. Most official communal events are held here. If you would like to contribute, you will need to have WorldEdit Qualifications, and obtain the [Builder] rank. Please refer to the following resources:
The City is divided into 6 different planning areas. Each planning area is overseen by a Planner in-charge. Within each planning area, development plans, which are detailed plans are produced, usually as part of a 3-month plan period.
All plans are designed with the overall masterplan in-mind. The Chief Planner oversees the details for linking up the different planning areas together. Builders are free to contribute in accordance with the latest development plans. The planning areas, and their planners in-charge are listed below:
Chief Planner, Capitol Island
Wolfminster, Westford
Brookedge, Westford
Exchange Place, Brookedge, Brookedge Port
A metro network is available in 5th Haven, operated by the Société Métropolitaine et Régionale des Transports (SMRT) with Transport for WolvHaven
Every 10 mins
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Every 10 mins
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Every 5 mins
City Loop
Every 5 mins
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Every 3 mins
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