Server Ranks

This page describes the all the ranks that exist on the server and their requirements

Rank Structure Overview

Ranks in the server are split into 3 tracks:

Every player will hold one of the General ranks, and may hold one or multiple Add-on Ranks

General ranks


The default rank assigned to all new members who join the server for the first time


  • Join the server

They can:

  • Visit and tour the different worlds of the server

Members who have joined and are establishing their presence on the server


  • Pass the immigration test

They can:

  • Use general commands
  • Build in Calidia, Gardellia & the Laboratory world
  • Apply for the [Builder] rank

Members with potential building skills and would like to contribute to the construction of WolvHaven City


  • Be ranked [Citizen]
  • Pass the WorldEdit Qualification Test
  • Submit an application (coming soon)

They can:

  • Contribute and build in WolvHaven City
[Architect] & [Engineer]

Awarded to players with outstanding skills in the field of building, or redstone & infrastructure


  • Be [Builder]
  • Have contributed to the WolvHaven city world

They can:

  • Contribute to planning for the official WolvHaven city
  • Mentor Builders

Add-on Ranks


Members who have contributed to the server's finances


  • Purchase the rank (sale temporarily suspended)

They can:

  • Use /nick
  • Use color codes in chat
  • Get a [S] suffix in rank

Staff Ranks

Click here for more information on server staff.

Staff members who assist players with general inquiries, provide emergency response, and engage with the community while advising and reminding members of the rules


  • Good player track record
  • Gets along well with the community
  • Selected by SilverWolv or Admins
[Mod] Moderator

Staff that perform content moderation and penalise individuals who breach server rules


  • 3+ months experience as a [Helper]
  • Ability to decide on appropriate penalties for rule infractions
  • Selected by SilverWolv or Admins

Administrators oversee the general operations of the server


  • Selected by SilverWolv

The head-honcho(s)


  • Selected by SilverWolv